Dragon's Life Systems and Acupuncture

Have a question about Chinese medicine? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!

  • What is the average fee per visit?

    • $65.00++ (Westmont Location)
    • $70.00++ (Chicago Location)

  • What is Oriental Medicine (OM)?

    Oriental medicine is a holistic medical system used in China and other countries to diagnose, treat, and prevent illness for over 23 centuries.

  • How does Oriental Medicine (OM) work?

    Oriental medicine  believes that health is determined by a balanced flow of vital energy throughout the body. For thousands of years, OM has acknowledged a vital life force that flows through all things, known as Qi. In the West, it is often referred to as "energy." 

    This energy circulates throughout the body through twelve major energy pathways called meridians, each linked to specific internal organs and organ systems.

    When the balance of this energy is disturbed due to either trauma, poor diet, medications, environmental factors, or excessive emotional issues, pain, or illness results, oriental medicine focuses on correcting these energetic imbalances by breaking up any obstruction and encouraging an even flow of Qi, which stimulates the body's natural ability to heal itself. 

    Your OM practitioner diagnoses or differentiates your condition with a thorough examination, which includes medical history assessment, and pulse and tongue diagnoses.

  • How does acupuncture work?

    Extremely fine, hair-thin, pre-sterilized disposable needles are placed at specific points on the energetic pathways, known as Meridians. Stimulation of these points gradually restores balance by regulating Yin and Yang, strengthening the body resistance and gradually eliminating pathogenic factors.

  • Is the acupuncture process painful?

    No, as a rule. When the needles are inserted, you may experience a sensation of tingling or warmth. People are surprised to find that treatments are actually quite relaxing.

  • Is acupuncture safe?

    Yes. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology are safe medical procedures and are well known for their efficiency and lack of side effects when administered by a qualified practitioner.

  • How many acupuncture treatments will I need?

    That depends upon duration, severity, and nature of your condition. You may need only a single treatment for an acute condition. A series of five to fifteen treatments may resolve many chronic problems. Some degenerative conditions may require many treatments over time.

  • What are Chinese herbs?

    Ancient Chinese herbal formulae are as effective now as they were when first introduced more than 2,000 years ago. Most formulae consist of up to eighteen different types of herbs. The formulae treat a wide variety of diseases while stimulating the body's natural healing abilities. 

    Chinese herbs have demonstrated excellent results with patients who failed to respond to conventional pharmaceutical treatments.

  • Can acupuncture be effective when other medical care has failed?

    Yes. Whereas any system of medical care has its own areas of efficiency and excellence, acupuncture may help when other medical treatments fail. Acupuncture excels in such areas as chronic disease treatment, pain control, stress reduction, and the like.

  • What is Qi Gong?

    Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese practice that stimulates and balances the flow of the vital life energy along the meridians or energy pathways in the body. It cultivates inner strength, calms the mind and restores the body to its natural state of health. Practicing Qi Gong leads to the optimal functioning of the body’s self-regulating systems.

  • What is the history of Tui Na?

    Tui Na is the oldest known massage therapy. Originating in China, it is recorded in the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, one of the most ancient texts known.

    Currently, in China, Tui Na is taught as a separate but equal field of study in the major Traditional Chinese Medicine Colleges. Tui Na doctors receive the same demanding training as acupuncturists and herbalists and enjoy the same level of professional respect.

  • What is Tui Na? How is it different from other forms of massage?

    This ancient Chinese healing art is quite different from other forms of massage. Using Traditional Chinese Medical diagnosis and principles of treatment, Tui Na identifies underlying patterns of disharmony as well as addressing symptomatic manifestations. 

    Tui Na therapy also utilizes special techniques such as hand rolling, Tui Fa for example, to specifically stimulate the energy channels, promote the flow of Qi (pronounced "chee") and activate the acupuncture points. This is why Tui Na is distinct from and has an advantage over other forms of massage.

  • Does Tua Na relax my body only, or does it do something else?

    Tui Na is not only an effective treatment for musculoskeletal problems such as stiff neck, sciatica, low back pain, discs, joints, and soft tissue problems. It is also used to treat different internal disease or illness, such as gynecological problems, digestive problems, circulation problems, constipation, insomnia, chronic fatigue, neurological problems, Tumors, etc. Tui Na stimulates the body's organs via special points and channels, helping to prevent or heal disease by improving both mental and physical vitality.

  • How often should I have Tui Na massage?

    Frankly, as often as you like; keep in mind that treatment less the once a week produces slower results than more frequent treatment.

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